
Erotic Ladies Massage

Many women are curious about female touch but are not ready or do not want to experiment fully then erotic, sensual massage with another woman is a wonderful way to explore those feelings without any fixed commitment on the outcome.

An erotic massage is very intimate so boundaries will be respected but be open minded as you might want to let go, either way is okay and respected. The massage will stimulate emotions of tenderness – tenderness which you receive through an especially affectionate massage consisting of the kind of soft and gentle caresses and I might use feathers, strokers, fingertips, pearls then move on to something stronger but still keeping sensuality and erotism. I will not only use my hands, but also stimulate you with an exciting body-to-body massage by curvy body, throughout we will be in communication by our bodies so I will know how far I can take so trust me to be intuitive to your needs.

The concluding part of the massage starts with the gentle stimulation of your erogenous zones and culminates in an invigorating massage of your genital area.

The sensual massage is ideally suited to people who are not looking for a massage in the traditional sense, but are rather seeking physical closeness and want to experience beautiful moments of tenderness.

Please look at my massage types and whichever you like or if combination we do bespoke.

Let me take you through the experience of intensive Sensuality, Erotism and Orgasm.

Email For Bookings and Appointments

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