
Bondage Massage

Enjoy this sensual massage and take a trip to your fantasy. Experience how it feels to deliberately surrender control and be defenceless. Gently bounded in soft silk ties or, for more experienced ones, cuffs and submit yourself up to the soft hands of mine.

Enjoy the closeness and intimacy of the moment, while I use my combination of skills, a gentle relaxing massage and a stimulating body-to-body massage. As I am massaging you seductively and erotically you can feel how your senses are being awoken and sensuously stimulated with every single pore of your skin. I might gently stroke you with my fingertips, feathers, Strokers, pearls, whips to enhance for Sensory Overdrive.

You can be blindfolded if you wish to increase the level of intensity; You will see how all your senses are heightened. Every touch by me feels more intense and more intoxicating. As my god given curves slides through your body your sensations desires will intensify.

The erotic binding of the body makes you devoted, so that you want to play the game of dominance and submission.

This session can be intensified according your level of involvement and knowledge of the Erotic S&M Practice. If you desire, I can deliver a light spanking to evoke nerve endings in the bottom so introducing a little more excitement to your experience, as light or hard as you crave. Take a plunge into the realm of surprising and unexpected. Upon request it can involve prostate massage as well.

The ending will be according to your level of involvement in S&M practices it can be as light as a Lingam Massage or for more experienced ones it can be spanked in the rhythm that will induce the orgasm.

Bondage Massage is an experience on its own but can be incorporated into my other massage types.

This can be with a fantasy of dressing up whether teacher, whether secretary, nurse, maid or any specific ideas you might have please consult me for bespoke experience.

Email For Bookings and Appointments

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